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Phone: +39 080 476 22 86

Check out our product and service range

Auxiliaria Naturae has a large variety of plant protection products able to fill all kinds of needs.
Auxiliaria Naturae is able to supply many types of fertilisers of the most important brands.
Auxiliaria Naturae has everything that you need for the creation of new vineyards and their management.
Auxiliaria Naturae negotiates equipment for the safety of workers.
We provide our custmers with a great variety of seeds (grasses and forage legumes), useful to the enrichment of ground and contrasting the spreading of PWN.
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Auxiliaria Naturae

Auxiliaria Naturae is a leader in the distribution of agricultural solutions. The company works to provide professional farmers with technical support and the best personalized service. Above all, Auxiliaria Naturae makes its skills available to table grape farmers.
As a young and modern company, Auxiliaria Naturae gives its tireless support during the whole production cycle.
Auxiliaria Naturae offers a wide range of technical and professional products, paying attention to sustainability and organic growing.

Mission e vision
Our mission is to make our customers available with products and facilities in order to get better production results. Everything, everywhere, quickly.

Our vision is to provide entrepreneurs with agricultural machinery and support. We aim to satisfy all kinds of needs as effectively as possible.


Auxiliaria Naturae joins the publishing project UVADATAVOLA, which consists of a free bi-monthly magazine distributed in Apulia, Basilicata and Sicily and a website updated on a daily basis in order to supply accurate information on viticulture.


News da Uvadatavola.com

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Mercati e GDO: appuntamento con LUV Fiera

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Information, pricing and technical support

For further information, pricing and technical support please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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